Have you ever heard that history repeats itself? Have you ever noticed patterns in nature? Or ever noticed the same patterns pop up in your life?
If so, you are not alone. It happens to everyone because life is a series of patterns. “Mathematics is the beautiful language of the universe.”
Whether you are looking at the stars, or the patterns on a leopard, everything in nature has a pattern. The season itself follows the same pattern, year after year. The Fibonacci sequence appears in many places in nature from flowers to shells to the vegetables we eat.
Everything in life has patterns, which roots to mathematics. Even astrologers say that there are patterns in the sky that repeat itself. Ironically, some astrologers found that around 2016 we were entering the same star alignment as World War II. Although history did not repeat itself entirely, similar themes were present. This is part of the reason why history repeats itself. It's not necessarily a literal interpretation, but more of metaphors. Throughout history wars, class-ism, colonialism, poverty cycles, population-sweeping plagues and social movements are seen continuously through history. Some claim history doesn't repeat, but rhymes. Regardless, similar situations surface from the past. It's like a Hollywood movie, same story different actors. When understanding this from a metaphorical standpoint, one begins to see history repeat itself. “When you are paying attention to your thoughts, words, actions, feelings, food habits, reactions, decisions, secrets, patterns, and physique, you start tuning in consciously.”
The goal is to calm the lower mind, and began to tap into the higher mind to receive answers and guidance. If people can open the lower mind, but allow leadership from the higher mind, many profound changes can occur in life. Imbalances occur because people tend to live primarily in the higher or lower mind.
Artists continuously tapped into their creative power sometimes cannot navigate on planet earth. Those continuously living in their lower mind will never ascend because of fear or believing in that there is nothing better out there for them.
One example is say someone is a sugar addict or a smoker. The body feels like crap long term and eventually the higher mind is going to start “crying” and request that the body start eating healthier or stop smoking. Using logic, one may start to research support groups, cessation products or a health coach.
A person who experiences childhood trauma may feel permanently lost or damaged enough to where they unworthy of love and acceptance. These people tend to live in the past and need to focus on changing the present and connecting to a higher source for help and healing. The higher mind can lead them out of mental anguish and despair, but it takes a while to retrain the brain and rewire the neurons to get out of negative thinking patterns.
What are your thoughts on the higher vs. the lower mind?
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A faithful Christian man heard the warning and decided to stay, saying to himself, “I will trust God and if I am in danger, then God will send a divine miracle to save me.”
The neighbors came by his house and said to him, “We’re leaving and there is room for you in our car, please come with us!” But the man declined. “I have faith that God will save me.”
As the man stood on his porch watching the water rise up the steps, a man in a canoe paddled by and called to him, “Hurry and come into my canoe, the waters are rising quickly!” But the man again said, “No thanks, God will save me.”
The floodwaters rose higher pouring water into his living room and the man had to retreat to the second floor. A police motorboat came by and saw him at the window. “We will come up and rescue you!” they shouted. But the man refused, waving them off saying, “Use your time to save someone else! I have faith that God will save me!”
The flood waters rose higher and higher and the man had to climb up to his rooftop.
A helicopter spotted him and dropped a rope ladder. A rescue officer came down the ladder and pleaded with the man, "Grab my hand and I will pull you up!" But the man STILL refused, folding his arms tightly to his body. “No thank you! God will save me!”
Shortly after, the house broke up and the floodwaters swept the man away and he drowned.
When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”
And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a car. I sent you a canoe. I sent you a motorboat. I sent you a helicopter. What more were you looking for?”
When logically analyzing the messages, you have to see what you are experiencing and how your intuition reacts to that experience. Some people with karmic bonds will experience synchronicities, but this situation or experience is merely a test to see in what direction of life you'll go into. Some karmic bonds are invitations to do shadow work, and though signs were there, that person or experience is not for your higher good. The "sign" is to walk away, bless, forgive and let go.
We live in a logical world, and most people can handle logical signs from God. If people had visions of spirit beings they would most likely freak out, not able to handle the intensity.
So many people crave divine signs or experiences that is so "explosive" it looks like it comes out of a Hollywood movie. It doesn't work like that.
I will share one story. A person I knew was financially struggling. She kept having conversations and worries stir in her brain about needing help. Low and behold, within hours someone comes to her door and provides a bag of pet food as this woman knew she was strapped for cash.
Was this a sign from God? Absolutely. We must be grateful for each and every gift from the divine. A million dollars or a winning lottery ticket just doesn't pop into our lives. In my analysis, that sign is a message from God saying that you've been heard, and I will take care of you.
One client once lived in Hawaii. His aunt has been ill. One evening in Seattle there was a double rainbow that lasted over an hour. He got the inkling that his aunt just died because this was a sign in Hawaiian culture about rainbows being a bridge to heaven. Later that evening he got a call that his aunt indeed passed away that day.
Signs are signs. They are guiders, but are not strict rules. Some signs are prophetic, others are just divine messages trying to guide you into a certain direction in life. If something is meant to happen, it will.
Remember the divine has no timeline. Some signs and synchronicities occur for years before something actually cultivates.
You must check with your intuition and see what feelings arise when the signs come. Just don't miss the boat because you are expecting something that originates from a fantasy.
Our souls are here to understand how to give and receive love and learn how to forgive themselves & forgive others.
The Bible contains great wealth of information and speaks of love 64 times.
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. - 1 John 4:8
When you know, understand and experience love, you know God. We often equate love to romance, which is where we learn most of our lessons, but love is a relationship of all kinds. And this is why community and the family nucleus is so powerful.
In today's world of independence, we see people trying to receive love in many forms. Throughout my time of being single post divorce, I notice so many people bury themselves in work, projects, school or additional hobbies to receive some form of love and acceptance.
Love, like anything in life, is a choice. You can choose to give love, and be open to receiving it. Love is selfless and should not have expectations, though reciprocity is necessary for long term growth.
In this digital age, and age of social isolation, it is easy to find acceptance and fulfillment through online communities, artificial intelligence and pornography.
Nothing is stronger than the human emotion, and nothing can replace real life intimacy physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual intimacy.
Knowing love is knowing yourself and having awareness of your actions and what affects you. Knowing love is respecting everything on this planet from the earth to animals. Knowing love is understanding we are here to serve and uplift ourselves and humanity.
God is love. He wants you to love Him, and trust in Him. He also wants you to spread love on the planet. Love yourself. Love your home. Love your parents and others even if they disappointed you.
Some research states that it takes men 8.2 seconds to fall in love. The heart has no limit in its capacity of unconditional love, but we must also use our head in order for that to not be taken advantage of, or our kindness used against us.
What do you think about love? Let's Connect! Check out my other YouTube videos!
Many people live a long and healthy physical life, but spiritually suffer. And most suffer because of pride and ego.
In the spiritual world, C.S. Lewis considered pride to be a spiritual cancer.
“For pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.”
― C.S. Lewis
Most people who have pride are also either self-absorbed or selfish. Typically, the world revolves around them, their problems, their accomplishments, their ego and their life. Pride has always been a problem in humanity, but with social media, it's even easier today to blast their pride worldwide. Pride are arrogance are the perfect marriage to pull people away from faith in God.
Pride is the opposite of humility. It is easy to get caught in the head during rough times, but many people find trials and tribulations as failures or bitterness towards their faith. Life is not easy and it will never be one-hundred percent peaceful or perfect. We need to realize life is like the ocean, ebbs and flows of good and tough times.
Hebrews 10:32-36 New Life Version (NLV)
32 Remember how it was in those days after you heard the truth. You suffered much. 33 People laughed at you and beat you. When others suffered, you suffered with them. 34 You had loving-pity for those who were in prison. You had joy when your things were taken away from you. For you knew you would have something better in heaven which would last forever. 35 Do not throw away your trust, for your reward will be great. 36 You must be willing to wait without giving up. After you have done what God wants you to do, God will give you what He promised you.
Losing faith in God, is like a spreading cancer. Each day or moment when you lose faith, the body's disharmony increases. Life is full of peaks and valleys. If in the valley, you must trust with God coupled with your actions you will rise back to the top of the mountain.
Growing affection for money, lust and worldly desires while decreasing your faith in God is a recipe for disaster.
They constantly want more. This craving snowballs and most people cannot satisfy this desire. Money and worldly desires go hand in hand because many people must sell their soul in order to obtain the worldly desires they crave.
Most of the world's suffering is the result of people's poor behaviors, which affects other people and cultures. We need money to survive. But it's the worshipping that causes one to lose their faith. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." (1 Tim. 6:10).
“The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground.” (Obad 1:3)
Many people who crave God often deny his guidance because of fear or lack of faith. Stubbornness and unwillingness to change will keep people stuck in the same issues and patterns.
Understanding "spiritual cancer" is to bring light to the psycho-somatic behaviors and worldly desires that one struggles with in life.
The more we shed our ego, our worldly desires and increase our trust in God, the "better" our lives not only because of our faith, but living selflessly through minimalistic principles. Many spiritual theories believe in simple living. Live simply. Love unconditionally. And trust in God.
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The other is through lies, deceptions, intentionally hurting people, or when hurt, wanting revenge or the worst on people. When hurt by someone, it is easy to fall trap in the cycle of negativity and crave an "eye for an eye." This will not heal yourself or your soul. This further damages yourself and the world around.
My soul weeps as I pray that humans choose the path of the light, to further walk forward forgiving, blessing and moving on to people, places and things that will serve their higher good. For more thoughts, see my videos below.
As always, inspired by the sun,
Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
Every system, diet or program "guarantees" results if you follow their every step. So many people try with good intentions, but sadly fail. Does this mean they have a lack of willpower? Does this mean they're stupid? Or that they're a total failure?
No. Absolutely not. America is "food confused" because of so many systems out there. Unlike other parts of the world, where ancient cultures are still connected to the land, or consume specific foods during harvest season, most Americans have lost touch to the basics of agriculture and simple eating.
So what is the missing ingredient in the world of nutrition?
It is our spirit, which is missing.
Nutrition from a logical lens nourishes, or fuels, us, but more from a weight loss/gain perspective. It's the energy balance equation. If you eat more than you expend you gain weight. If you eat less than you expend you lose weight. Although this philosophy contains truth, there is a missing link.
A calorie is a unit of energy. And what you consume energetically matters not only nutritionally, but emotionally, psychologically and mentally. We've lost touch in fueling the spirit, where today we use food for superficial reasons. This in itself is spiritual and understand the spiritual context of food created by God.
God's wisdom is profound. Depending on whether you believe in creation or evolution, we can all agree that food from nature provides the necessary nutrients that the human body needs for optimal function.
I believe some issues related to obesity is due to a lack of one's connection to spirit. Most people on this planet crave "something more." This "something more" is our soul, or our higher self talking to us.
Food is medicine and heals us internally as well as promotes exterior beauty.
Many ancient traditions considered the body sacred, believed that taking care of the body ensure's one health and longevity. in simple terms, the body is a temple. Interior beauty is just as important as exterior beauty. You can read more at my other blog link, Why You Should Treat Your Body as a Temple.
Not only is nutrition important, but ancient cultures also believed in the art and well-being of movement, holistic medicine, relaxation techniques and adequate sleep. These traditions viewed the body not as God, but as a vehicle to God.
So what makes these ancient cultures different than today? These cultures had a spiritual foundation.
Without a spiritual foundation, nutritional knowledge can only go so far.
In today's world, we have a surface level understanding of nutrition thanks to marketing and quick-fix gimmicks.
Children are natural intuitive eaters, but adults once we enter the "real world" we experience eating a myriad of complex eating issues. Some eat their emotions due to stress, loneliness or depression. Some don't eat because of body image issues. We adopt beliefs around the "right and wrong" foods.
We need a mix of nutritional and spiritual enlightenment.
The world has been messed up since the dawn of man. If life is a battle between the light and the dark, it is no wonder hardship and suffering is a part of this planet. Spiritual people believe the soul incarnates to planet earth to learn various lessons and to grow its soul.
Some people take their spiritual growth and relationship with God seriously, where others think this type of mentality is non-sense. Regardless of what one believes, every single day we wake up with the morning sun presents us with an opportunity to change, grow and evolve ourselves.
Even thinking about changing, or pondering about a better life, is the first step to any change. You first must have some thoughts and then eventually take action.
Most people cannot change alone. They require a support system. Logically, this would include family, friends, counselors, healers or anyone with the ability to guide others. Christians believe we need God and Christ to help us through our evolution in life.
If we are in the driver's seat of our own life, we must take responsibility for our thoughts, actions and behaviors and we are solely in charge of our emotional health and well-being.
Isn't that an amazing blessing and gift? To be able to wake up every day and start again - whether in thought or in behavior pattern - and continue to improve our lives each and every day.
What do you think? Do you think every day is an ability to change? If you have any personal experiences that can help other people, please comment below!
People enter our lives with their own life experience, which includes good and bad times. This molds and shapes them into who they are in the present. When in a romantic experience, people will shift and change, hopefully for the better.
So how do you meet people where they're at?
Asking Questions
Self Examination & Communication
For some people this is not easy to do as they take everything offensively; however, if you find yourself stuck in the same situations or behavior loops, it is necessary to look within. With this, it is important to find tools (or make goals) on how to improve the situation.
Communication makes or breaks any relationship. It is essential, but maturity is what keeps communication fluid and clear. I believe in clear, concise and straightforward communication because it does not play any mind games. It maybe best to avoid words like should, would and could because they are theoretical and leads to expectations like, "You could have done it this way."
Low emotional intelligence, being defensive or chronically on-attack, damages situations. It is not easy to reach these people, especially if "treading" on egg shells.
Check-ins may be necessary to make sure each party is happy or on the same page.
It is important to see where a person is at in their life and meet them half way. We must learn how to let go of uneven desires and become the best version of ourselves (and better communicators).
Let's Connect!
Most crave this in a romantic sense, but some of these connections can be platonic especially if one person is already in a committed relationship. Soul mates teach us some of the most important lessons in life. Like a mirror, they shake things up and force us to look at our inner world in order to change.
These connections are not to be taken lightly or to be wasted. Fear causes people to run away and hide because that is easier than looking in the mirror. The law of attraction has its merit. God works miracles and sometimes souls are separated and then reunited as each person is on his or her path of growth in life. When ready, they will meet again if it is meant to happen. And there is no accidental meeting between two souls, whether the connection is for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
As always, inspired by the sun,
Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
Elizabeth Rae Kovar M.A. is Author of her memoir, Finding Om and is a Fitness Trainer, Yogi, Reiki Master, Presenter and Lover of Life. To view her portfolio please visit www.elizabethkovar.com
Follow her travels at: lemontreetravel.com
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