It's hard to believe it's still winter. Seattle's weather has been sunny and dry and on Valentine's Day it will be near 60-degrees.
The late-winter and spring blossoms are blooming around Queen Anne hill. The beautiful camellia trees are budding, if not yet already bloomed. It's one of the best parts of living in a temperate climate; life is always in bloom.
Camellias come in different shapes, sizes and colors, but the tree is best known for its beautiful deep pink petals.
February revolves around love, chocolate and anything pink. My past Valentine's Day inspirations included vegan brownie bites topped with raspberry coconut cream frosting and my recent vegan blood orange cake.
At this time of year, the camellia is my inspiration to experiment with plant-based frostings. Interestingly, each method of cooking and product transforms into different-hued frostings, just like the camellia plant.
In Seattle, spring flowers are sold at the Pike's Market and in stores. This purple-pink bouquet motivated me to try something new for this month of love and purification. Although you can't purify yourself on sugar, beets are the theme this month.
In my beet "root chakra" soup recipe, I talk about the historical aspect of beets, how the Romans use beets and the purifying effects beets have on our system. Beets are one of the most powerful foods created from the earth. They too have a symbolic meaning.
And since my birthday is on February 7th, my one training client gave me the book, "Jitterbug perfume" for my birthday. Charles Dickens, Laura Ingells Wilder and I share the same birthdate. And because of that, I celebrated this cake with literal-inspiration. In the first few pages of the book, the PNW author, Tom Robbins talks about beets in the most metaphysical type of way. "The beet is the most intense of vegetables.....
AuthorElizabeth Rae Kovar M.A. is Author of her memoir, Finding Om and is a Fitness Trainer, Yogi, Reiki Master, Presenter and Lover of Life. To view her portfolio please visit Categories
October 2022