Humanity has reached a point of stereotypes, perspectives and generalizations. It is time to retreat from generic points of view and take things on a case-by-base basis.
Each and every one of us experiences life and situations that shift our perspectives and perceptions. From a spiritual lens, I believe that our vibrational frequency, divine purpose and belief systems shift our perspectives. A child or young adult will have no fear on conquering something adventurous like bungee jumping or rock climbing compared to an adult with some life experience that understands the risk and dangers of this sport. Have you ever noticed while relaxing on a beach that time seems to slow down? Have you ever wondered why when attending nonstop work meetings the day seems to pass quickly? Time has no limit and those with psychic abilities can tap into the past or the future. A person who is blinded by drugs, sex and alcohol will have a different perspective on life than a spiritual person who prays to God, connects to nature or lives a pure life. Life is an incarnation of polarities, or a battle between the light and the dark. Every spiritual theory, text or lineage discusses the battles between the light and the dark, or the physical and spiritual world. Anything and everything on or in this planet can help or hinder humanity.
Technology, money, exercise, food – everything has a light and dark side to it.
Let’s examine several examples. Exercise makes people feel good and keeps us strong physically and mentally. The flip side is that exercise can be abused. People can workout for hours everyday in fear of getting fat or to boost their self-esteem. Overtraining and breaking down is possible when exercising too much or for the wrong reasons. Technology helps humanity stay connected and the advancement of prosthetics have aided hundreds of humans and even animals. That’s a good thing. But, when our governments use technology for spying, or behemoth tech firms use technology to manipulate the mind or keep us addicted to consumerism, that does not benefit humanity. Sex can be immoral or the most magical moment in someone’s day. It’s the act that results in procreation and building a family, which on the flip side can be the worst news, especially to teenage girls. In terms of sex, why are people choosing these certain acts? Sex with a husband for procreation builds up our spirit and the respect to share our knowledge to a newly incarnated soul. On the flip side, those who use sex for power or control, or have sex with people to build their confidence are using other souls to build up their own spirit and character. They use sex as an energy sucker or vacuum. Politically, everyone has a different opinion and perspective. Most people who think cops are pigs do not have the same perspective as those who grow up dreaming of becoming a cop to help his or her community. The very act of the current US presidency indicates people’s perspectives on various issues. Some people believe that the president is the worst human being to ever be alive and others see him as the best president since Reagan or JFK. Most people do not have the emotional maturity to realize that the darkness can bring out the light in us, similar to a blessing in disguise. Sometimes darkness must rise in order for the light to combust the dark. Like a bubbling volcano, sometimes the ugliness has to explode and deteriorate in order for something amazing to grow, or mature, from that destruction. What does this have to do with the spiritual laws on perspective?
When we exit our echo chamber and listen to other people’s perspectives and perceptions we become more empathetic and understanding. This in turn increases our spiritual understanding and reasoning. It forces us to work together and compromise with one another.
As a health coach, I detached from my own ideologies and became neutral to help clients reach their goals. In turn, I detached from any one thing and listened to both sides of every story or situation. From there, I empathize, process and create a conclusion. A spiritual approach is a more mature approach to life. Nothing can be resolved when clouded with emotions and drama. Spiritual perspectives allow us to see the light and the dark in every situation and not be so fixed on our own ideology. Some of the biggest global problems root to an ideology – a border free society, political correctness, religious/world domination, the craving for more power and money – whatever it is, if this trend continues we will eventually need to hit rock bottom. Is it possible to avoid rock bottom? I believe so, but these changes must come from WITHIN. Everyday we are faced with choices. We can do something good, or follow the corrupt path. Hopefully, through a spiritual perspective on life we will shed more light on humanity. There are many natural laws to life and the spiritual perspective includes a balance of "what goes down must come up" and the reminder that "everything comes in full circle."
Traveling is the perfect tool to practice mindfulness. I sit here at the Seattle Airport wondering, "Am I going to make my connecting flight?"
As I watch the steel birds take off from Terminal B, I can only remind myself to be in the moment, live in the present and appreciate the road blocks in life. Whenever we want something, I believe life throws a challenge our way to see if we are emotionally sound and stable to handle the unexpected life events. Follow me on Instagram @erkovar or for more videos, photos and images of the upcoming journey. I am very thankful for all that life has provided and even running into my client at the airport feels like some sort of synchronicity. Speak soon!
Nature is amazing once you "see" the interconnections between man, plants and food. I love these certain type of purple-flower bushes that blossom with what looks like blackberries.
The bees love these bushes and feed off of them during the spring and summer months. Whenever I look at these bushes, I think of blackberries.
And if you live in Seattle, you know there is no shortage of blackberry and raspberry bushes in the city. Inspired by the fruits and flowers of nature, I decided to combine the natural sweet and tart flavors in a refined sugar-free filling.
I always make desserts healthier, so if you want the filling to be sweeter, add more agave nectar. However, too much sweetener overrides the natural flavor of the berries. Enjoy!
Dairy-Free Blueberry Blackberry Lemon "Cheesecake"
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes Waiting Time: Several Hours Ingredients: 1 premade graham cracker crust (or your favorite homemade recipe) 1 8-ounce container of vegan cream cheese 1/2 cup fresh blackberries 3/4 cup frozen wild blueberries (or regular) 1 cup cashews, soaked for at least 2 hours 1/2 tsp vanilla 2 tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp agave nectar 1/4 tsp lemon zest pinch of salt Directions: Place all of the filling ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Adjust any flavors as necessary. Add more blueberries, lemon zest or sweetener for a stronger or sweeter flavor. Pour the filling into the crust and smooth out the filling with a spatula. Cover the cheesecake and cool in the refrigerator for several hours to overnight to thicken OR place in the freezer (about 1-2 hours) to solidify. Thaw in the refrigerator and serve chilled. Save all Mind Body Soul Food Recipes in your Yummly recipe box, click the YUM below!
Fall is officially here. The fall equinox has come and gone and our weather is a mix of late-summer sun, cloudy days and misty-grey skies. For October, this weather is pretty amazing and dry.
Most people in the Pacific Northwest dread the fall, but I embrace it. It's the season to expose our inner beauty (foliage) and channel the resting energy that lays dormant, which is much needed after an energetic summer.
Inspired by the many late-summer flowers and the interesting weather patterns, I decided to create a quick-and-easy snack that reignites the energy within us. As the sun continues to shine, there is no shortage of Vitamin-D just yet, but this semi-raw recipe resurrects our energy for when the skies get cloudy and grey.
While playing with flowers, I watched the sky shed raindrops while golden rays of the sun set over the Puget Sound. And when the two elements met, a rainbow appeared over the Sound. While blending these ingredients, I wanted to connect the symbolism between autumn, rain and energy.
If we allow the golden light to fulfill us everyday while embracing the rain (the shadow side of life), we can ground our roots deep into the earth while blossoming our branches. Isn't nature amazing? Even something simple as playing with flowers shows how we rebirth in the cycle of life. These petals and leaves were once a part of something. They've been destructed and constructed into something new. The symbolism is spot on for the energetic transition into fall.
So even though blueberries have the word, "blue," there is nothing to be sad about seasonal transitions. The irony is that nature is more predictable than humans because you know what is coming. Plus, Mariani Wild Blueberries are bursting with flavor and are my favorite dried blueberries on the market. What I love most about Mariani is their message and deep roots to their heritage. In 1906, Paul Mariani, the immigrant son of a European farmer, arrived in the Santa Clara valley. He planted fruit trees on four acres, and within several years, and many obstacles later, his farm thrived. Now four generations later, Mariani is a global company that is still a family-owned and operated farm. The moral of this story is that no matter how many setbacks you endure in life, it is important to preserve and rise above the challenges. The rain will always be a part of life and although the weather may set us back (or make us more tired) it is important to keep a sound mind and continue on with life.
5-Ingredient Blueberry Cashew Bites using Mariani Wild Blueberries
Prep time: 10 minutes Makes 12-13 bites Ingredients: 1 package of Mariani Wild Blueberries (approximately 3/4 cup) 1 cup raw cashews 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/4 cup flax meal 2 tbsp. agave nectar Directions: Place ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Scoop out the mixture and roll between your hands forming 1 inch balls. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Enjoy! Disclaimer: I have not been compensated to write this post but did receive product from Mariani. All opinions are my own. There comes a point when you've mastered your emotions that you remain calm and focused when drama arises. And there is no shortage of drama these days, even in the dating world. I've noticed a battle between men and women, each gender blaming each other for why relationships fail. Could it maybe that drama and "societal ways" drive these relationships into the ground, instead of being mature, talking through issues and compromising? The online world has opened a can of worms where opinions are available at a click of a button. And sadly, many of the people who give these opinions (especially in mainstream media) are not emotionally mature individuals. Their message spreads more drama, and drama sells! They promote "my way or the highway approaches" and the more we adopt that mindset, the more we spiral downward lost in this emotional tunnel and becoming more fixed on our ways. Compromise is the mature approach. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings. |
AuthorElizabeth Rae Kovar M.A. is Author of her memoir, Finding Om and is a Fitness Trainer, Yogi, Reiki Master, Presenter and Lover of Life. To view her portfolio please visit Categories
October 2022