At some point in our lives, we experience a crossroad. Do I take this job? Do I stay in my marriage? Do I leave? Do I travel abroad? Should we start a family?
Finding an answer to our deepest life questions are challenging, but it is a part of our human experience. I believe crossroads are a battle between our higher and our lower mind. Something inside our soul is calling us to question our current state of being. Many of us stay in situations because it's what we should do not what actually fulfills us. Experiencing a crossroad is part of our path to progress and we must trust our inner-truth and calling. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
Why are we so enthralled with nature, fine art and exquisite architecture? It's because these natural and man-made created things are beautiful.
Beauty is inspirational. And inspiration leads people to better places in their life. Today, it is apparent of the man-made constructs that are trying to destroy things that are beautiful. Compare Miley Cyrus to Marilyn Monroe. Both are not perfect human beings but their presence, behavior or representation in the world greatly differs. I believe that the "people" running the show are promoting ugliness and well, social media and the internet has brought out the beasts within us. Everyone views life through a different lens and we all have different opinions, that is just how life works. The more we degrade each other the more ugliness we produce inside and out. Have you ever seen something or heard something so beautiful it made you cry? That is because beauty has a way of speaking to our souls in ways that we cannot explain. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
Potatoes are one of nature's most amazing foods. They have a bad rap in America, partly due to French fries and being a starchy vegetable, but most Americans don't realize its not the potato, it's how you cook the potato.
When I lived and traveled in Europe, I noticed the deep connection between our ancestors and the potato. It's a hearty vegetable that nourished our ancestors for generations. Could you imagine farming the land while fueled solely on kale salads with carrot tahini dressing?
Our European friends cook simply and the "peasant-friendly" meals use potatoes. Sure, most of them are meat and potato consumers, but from boiled potatoes to potato pancakes, the potato is part of our history's dietary past. The Irish, Germans, Hungarians and Eastern "block" countries are still to this day potato connoisseurs.
Post Europe, I've made decisions to avoid food waste and grocery shop from my cabinets and refrigerator. I had chives and didn't know exactly what to do with them.
Mashed potatoes with chives sounded delicious, but my body doesn't crave that while the spring flowers blossom outside. The Seattle air filled with an aromatic floral scent and fluffy white petals flowing with the wind, I decided to try something creamy, rich and different. With a mix of butter and soy milk, here is an affordable and peasant-friendly side dish inspired by nature. I eat like a bird so sometimes I find the heartiness fills me up as a main dish alongside a side salad. Enjoy!
Vegan Creamy Chive Potatoes
Cook Time: 20-30 minutes Ingredients: 1 russet potato 3 large golden potatoes (or use russet) 1 cup soymilk** (see note) 3 tbsp vegan butter 1/2 cup chives salt to taste Directions: Prep the potatoes and chives. Melt the three tablespoons of butter on medium heat in a large skillet. Add, mix and cook potatoes for 1-2 minutes on medium to low heat. Add the milk, chives and salt and cook until the potatoes are edible. It is normal for the soy milk to thicken. Stir frequently. **Note: I recommend soy milk because of its properties, it has a higher tolerance for heat and will not coagulate. Let's Connect! Now you can save all MBSF recipes on your Yummly inbox!
Today, so many people are confused about life. Some people go through life without a question or care in the world where others constantly question everything. Spiritually grounded individuals know we are here to develop the soul.
Life on planet earth is not easy, but that's the purpose and the point of soul development. The soul must struggle, suffer and experience hardship in order to grow. Similar to the formation of a diamond in nature, the carbon material must undergo high pressure and high temperatures in order to metamorphose into a carbon atom, which bonds with other carbon atoms under duress to create the diamond's renowned strength - as the world's hardest substance. The creation occurs deep into the earth's crust and diamonds reach the surface of earth via violent volcanic eruptions. If we want to be a diamond, we must develop our mind, body and soul. Sadly, the social engineering concepts of today root us to all things depressing, obese, poor and addicted. In order to reach the surface of the psyche one must undergo their own weathering from within. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
My recent blog post, "Heaven and Hell Exists in Every One of Us," stirred additional thoughts about this topic. You cannot believe in heaven and not hell. And you cannot think that hell exists without a heaven.
Life is a constant battle between the light, the dark and the temptations. And what happens in the outer world are the same events that occur in our head. There are two wolves that live inside each and every one of us. A white wolf and a black wolf. A wolf from the light. And a wolf from the dark. Which one of these wolves do you want to feed? One wolf derives from love, empathy and compassion. And the other evolves from fear, negativity and scarcity. The light is our higher mind, our soul. The dark is our lower mind, the seat of the ego and weaknesses in the flesh. Keep bringing the light. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
The mind is a beautiful tool. But it can also be a destructive device too. Similar to a computer, we continuously upload and download information in our minds throughout the day. And similar to a tape recorder, what we fill and record in our minds vastly affects our thoughts, behaviors and actions in life.
No matter what religion or spiritual belief – even atheism – lightness and darkness exists in the real world and within our individual souls. If you don’t believe than take a look outside at noon and then midnight. The yin-yang symbol is the perfect example of the dualities between masculine and feminine, lightness and darkness and hot and cold. It is no secret that there is a psychological epidemic today. I believe social media and the internet contributes to this problem. Our brains, and souls, have not yet evolved to process this much information. “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
AuthorElizabeth Rae Kovar M.A. is Author of her memoir, Finding Om and is a Fitness Trainer, Yogi, Reiki Master, Presenter and Lover of Life. To view her portfolio please visit Categories
October 2022