I attended a party and awe-inspired by a wonderful kale farro salad recipe. Inspired by this epicurious recipe, I recreated this simple yet one of the tastiest salads I've ever made.
In the dressing, the blend of parsley and tarragon ignites freshness, a perfect summer salad that is hearty and healthy. Although perfect for any season, this salad is packed with nutrients and fiber.
Everybody knows how great kale, carrots and avocados are for your health, but people often forget how excellent whole grains are for you too. Farro roots back to ancient Egypt and the Middle East, a common grain used to nourish mankind.
One-half cup of uncooked farro contains 7-8 grams of protein and fiber along with containing nutrients such as niacin, iron, magnesium, thiamin and zinc. In America, farro is not as common as it is in other parts of the globe, but know that this ancient grain definitely tops the list in terms of health benefits. Watch out quinoa, farro is a grain to be reckoned with.
Vegan Kale Farro Salad with Parsley Tarragon Dressing
Prep Time: 20 minutes Serves: 4 Salad Ingredients: 10 ounce package of Kale 2 carrots, shredded 1 large avocado, diced 1 cup uncooked farro Dressing Ingredients: 1 garlic clove 1 cup Italian parsley (1/2 bundle) 1/4 cup tarragon (1/2 package) 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 3/4 cup olive oil salt + pepper to taste Directions: Wash and prep the vegetables. Cook the farro according to the package directions (usually a 1:2 ratio of farro to water). While the farro cooks, place all the dressing ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Once the farro is done cooking, cool in the refrigerator. In a large bowl, mix the salad and dressing ingredients and serve. Let's Connect! Save all MBSF recipes in your Yummly inbox.
The people in this world are messed up. Through the art of detachment, I've watched people become socially engineered to believe in the many constructs that are leading to societal destruction.
Drugs, sexual liberation, artificial intelligence - we have to ask ourself if any of this will benefit ourselves as well as society? So many people are caught up in the rat race, that they refuse to listen to the voice inside their head that is screaming for help. No one knows what is going on inside your head. But at some point you have to step into the light and take charge of the shit in your life. No one but you can solve your chronic pain, emotional distress, broken heart or insecurities. Through the help of counseling and healing modalities, you can overcome these obstacles and barriers in your life. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings.
Happy Fourth of July.
Today is the day of freedom. The day we reflect on our rights, happiness and freedom as a country. America is not a perfect country but there has been no better time in human history than the present. Freedom is a bell that rings daily, a bell that we all want to ring.
We all seek freedom. Financial freedom. Freedom from our jobs. Freedom from the system.
Most people will never find freedom because they are solely focused on the material and earth-plane world. They believe money will set them free. They believe a relationship will make them happy. They believe a car will make them look cool. Many of these "things" are compensation tools for something that is lacking inside. What most people "need" is to set their soul free. This doesn't mean through self-employment or globe-trekking, but to walk the path of growth for their mind, body and soul. “The great efforts to move our lives forward always come down to a new moment when we interrupt our fear and activate our freedom by choosing how to feel, interpret, and direct our lives.” – Brendon Burchard,
There are two types of wolves that exist in life and in our mind. A white wolf (being of the light) and a black wolf (darkness). Most people torture themselves with dark wolves and invite them in carelessly into our lives, and repeat the same behavioral loop patterns. The lower mind focuses on these instant pleasures, which in turn keeps us locked in from the freedom we seek.
Most people need to break free from the constraints that agonize their soul. The soul yearns freedom from behavioral loops, bad habits and limiting self beliefs. “I used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction. Other people’s lives, problems, and wants set the course for my life. Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.” – Melody Beatti
It takes strength and courage to walk away from the things that no longer serve you, but nourish your higher mind, the higher self that seeks more in life.
Stop letting people walk all over of you. Stop saying yes to everything when you want to say no. Stop doing things that make you feel empty inside. When you remove the clutter and dirt from your life you purify the soul. It's like cleaning a garage. So how do you remove the clutter? Listen to your intuition and seek help. Counseling, yoga, mediation, vacation, eating healthier - whatever is driving you to a better life, seek that out. You need to choose tools that will help you deprogram your mind. Humans are biologically programmed to focus on the negative. It's how we've evolved for our species to survive. At some point in your life you have to draw the line in the sand and take a stand for what you want in your life. Something healthier. Something more inspirational. Something just better. Unless it's a loved one, stop worrying about other people and begin to take care of yourself. The more you focus on your soul development the more you break free from the constraints on society. The higher you vibrate and trust in God, things in life will manifest - we just don't know when, where or why. The divine has no timeline. “You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.” – Philip Arnold
What do you think? How can you set your soul free?
We are all on a journey in life. My present path revolves around synchronicity, meeting people who have similar alignments, or pasts, as myself. Spiritual people say "everyone is interconnected."
I agree. However, darkness is also interconnected. Beings and energy of the dark are connected the same way that beings and energy of the light are forever intertwined. One "goal" in life is to become so bright like a lamp, that you have the wisdom and strength to navigate through the dark. Whether it is the darkness of your mind or resisting the urges of "dark" activity, the light that is within you is forever connected to God, nature and people who love you, who will aide you on your path in life. As always, inspired by the sun, Elizabeth Join Mind Body Soul Food Every Sunday for some inspiration, or Sunspiration, where we analyze quotes and sweet nothings in 150 words or less. Get inspired everyday with our Instagram account, sunspiration_everyday with inspirational quotes, motivational messages & sweet nothings. |
AuthorElizabeth Rae Kovar M.A. is Author of her memoir, Finding Om and is a Fitness Trainer, Yogi, Reiki Master, Presenter and Lover of Life. To view her portfolio please visit www.elizabethkovar.com Categories
October 2022